Evelyne Wambui Ngari
Evelyne Wambui Ngari hold’s a wealth of experience of over Twenty (20) years’ work experience from both private and public sector in Human Capital Management, Administration, Quality, Risk & Compliance, IT Service management, Insurance, Executive Assistant, Customer Service Management and Technical Education. Having served in Senior Management for Over 9 years, my objective is to apply my experience, skills and knowledge acquired over these years to add value to a growing organization.
Key assignments undertaken include Culture Transformation Leadership, Review of Human Resource Instruments and Organization Re-structure, Organizational Policies Review, Records Management, Staff facilities and utilities management including acquisition and set out of new offices, Departmental Budgeting, Asset Management, Transport and Logistics Management as well as Occupational Safety and Employee welfare. Other assignments include Project Management including implementation of new ERP systems, implementation of fleet management systems, Insurance Management, being responsible for all applicable classes of insurance, Co-ordinate the Covid-19 and other pandemics.
I am an implementer of the Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 and a Risk Champion. This role has enabled me to carry out risk and compliance reporting both internally and externally to regulators such as the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), the Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) and the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA). I am actively involved in the preparation of the Departmental budgets and Board reports with a focus on the Organization’s Human Capital and related costs. My current role is to head the Administrative Division in the Human Resource and Administration Department at Kenya Railways Corporation. With a workforce of about 4,000 employees spread across the country, my role is to ensure all staff needs related to office facilities, utilities, safety, welfare, transport and logistics are adequately handled in line with the available Government policies and guidelines.
I hold a Master of Science Degree in Human Resource Management from Kenyatta University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Kenya Methodist University, a Diploma in Technical Education – Secretarial Studies, from the Kenya Technical Trainers College (KTTC) among other academic qualifications. I have acquired professional qualifications including Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP-K), Certified Secretary (CS1-Foundation Level) and Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) from the College of Insurance. I am a full member of IHRM (Kenya), practicing member number 03300 and a member of the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI-Kenya). I have undertaken the Senior Leadership (SLDP) and Management (SMC) Courses at the Kenya School of Government.
I am a Board member of the Public Service Club, a private members club in Kenya and a member of the Women on Boards Network (WoBN), Kenya.