Nuggets of Life is a transformative program designed to empower young individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required for leadership excellence. This comprehensive initiative focuses on nurturing leadership qualities, fostering personal development, and imparting practical skills to help young people excel in various aspects of their lives.
Nuggets of Life
We Have Mentored More Than 100 Young People
Since inception in 2020, Nuggets of Life Mentorship has been in contact with over 100 mentees.
Nuggets of Life
KU Youth Connect
Talked to the Kenyatta University students on the effects of drug and substance use.
Developing Well Equipped Leaders
Nuggets of Life Mentorship offers support and guidance for young people towards improved personal and career development
Transforming Lives and Cultivating Growth
Through Nuggets of Life Mentorship, mentees tap into personal experiences, knowledge and networks of people who are further along in career and life paths.
About Nuggets Of Life
Changing Lives and Fostering Growth
Through a combination of interactive workshops, mentorship, and experiential learning, Nuggets of Life aims to shape a generation of confident, innovative, and effective leaders who can positively impact their communities and beyond.
What we do
Our Mentorship Program Approach
valuable insights and guidance to navigate their own journeys successfully.